Here is the diagram for my meme proposal…
I would like to do some kind of meme about my club SQUAD because it really needs some promotional help and I know everything there is to know about it. I would like to do a video taking all the negative misconceptions people have about skateparks and then do a comparison showing the actuality of it. For example, people say that skateparks are too loud, but in actuality they create just as much noise as a regular road with cars if not less noise. I would show this with some text saying “this is the noise level made from cars on a road” then show a decibel meter or something like that, then say “this is the the noise made from a skatepark” and show another decibel meter to display a comparison. This is an example video of how I would like my video to feel like…
Facebook is becoming more and more apart of business commutation and networking for businesses than ever before. It is almost implied that if you have a business website that you will also have a Facebook page for your business if not a Twitter as well. With that in mind the Facebook page you make should have the same degree of professional work put into it as your website and I thought this was a good article for highlighting that aspect of the web. It breaks down the mistakes past companies have made adjusting to creating a page with Facebook timeline and basically says that content should be professional, new, content specific, and organized for ease of use (not having too many internal page applications).
Dr. Nielsen makes the argument that search engines “rule the web” based on statistics that show that web users are much less patient with websites, using search engines to bring them within the website directory to the content they want. However, I dont think that people are more impatient with websites than they used to be, I think that people just want to be rewarded for going on to a website. By rewarded I dont mean given something physical, I mean that they want satisfaction and interaction from the site. For example, facebook and instagram are popular more or less for their “like” buttons; the more likes you get the more you will want to post on these sites. Being able to comment on information is also a good way to keep people on a site, whether it be by contributing themselves or reading other people’s contributions. I think that a static site is as deadly to users attention as an interactive site is rewarding feeling to the same user.
“Everything is designed, few things are designed well.”